Tuesday, April 30, 2024

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Applying spirituality in a practical, common sense manner to daily life for success and happiness. To help you to discover that personal kernel of spiritual wisdom that exists within.

The Vibrational Universe Part III

In physics, when two waveforms that have different frequencies combine, the two are added together and form a thrid wave. What happens is that the resultant waveform always has the same frequency as the waveform with the higher frequency:

Figure 1 -- The vibration in the middle has a frequency of 20Hz, the wave at the bottom has a frequency of 5Hz. When the two are combined (top) the resulting wave has a frequency of 20Hz.

unless the two waveforms have the same frequency and are are out-of-phase, in which case, the waveform collapses:

Figure 2 -- two vibrations that are out of phase, or opposite, cancel each other out. The result is nothing, which is represented by a straight line. Notice there are no peaks or valleys, no frequency or amplitude at all.

If we use the vibrational analogy that awareness, or consciousness, exists on a scale of lowest to highest -- highest being the broadest awareness, including many more data points-- then a higher consciousness can understand a lower one, but not vice-versa. Why? Well, since thought is vibrational in nature, a higher vibration can "read" a lower one.

High frequency waveform: wHigh:

Figure 3

Low frequency waveform wLow:

Figure 4

The wavecrests between wLow are spaced so that it takes 5 spaces between wavecrests of wHigh to make 1 space of wLow. Imagine an "eye" at every wavecrest on wLow and wHigh. wLow can only "see" wavelengths of its own frequency or lower. wLow can only be aware of its much longer wavelength, because it's perception is too gross to realize that shorter wavelengths can exist. Even though there are 5 wavecrests of wHigh between every one for wLow, wLow cannot see them, even though they surely exist! [1]

In other words, a lower awareness simply cannot see a higher awareness, and no amount of coercion will change that. The solution for someone of higher consciousness is to lead by example. Thiose in the lower vibrations can bludgeon their way to their distorted goals, because it is possible to inflict enough pain to force agreement, ay least for a while. Societied based upon the use of coercion and force, however, are inverted, and always collapse. That has been the history of planet earth for millennia.

wHigh is easily aware of wLow. wHigh counts out 5 of its wavecrests to easily encompass the broader wavecrests of wLow. In this analogy, a lower awareness cannot be conscious of a higher awareness. This is why it is futile to argue with people. If they dont see your viewpoint, more than likely they are simply not capable of perceiving where you are at.

Figure 1 shows how a higher vibration can subsume a lower one. What happens is that when the lower vibration combines with the higher, the resultant waveform always assumes the frequency of the higher vibration! This is why the Light is more powerful than the darkness. The lower vibrations are crude; loud, demanding and sometimes violent and ugly. They get noticed precisely because they are so brutish. It seems that they have more power, but they do not! The only power a lower vibration has is to convince you to change your orientation from higher to lower. That's because a lower vibration has no power to affect you in any way; in fact, if the lower vibration comes too close, it will elevate. The darkness is attracted to the Light, but fears it; thinking that it will somehow "lose itself" or lose it's identity. Of course this does not happen: an increase in self awareness always leads to a greater feeling of self confidence and personal power. But the lower vibration, because it is stuck in lower awareness, hasn't figured that out yet! That is why dark actors are forced to use propaganda. Propaganda is simply the repetition of an idea, over and over. Josef Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Information, once said that he could convince anyone that a square was really a circle, merely by the reptition of the idea. It is known that even an insane idea (like war, for instance, which is, on a group level, just like self mutilation on an individual level) can become accepted through constant repetition.

Figure 2 shows how counter-thought can negate a positive affirmation or goal. The bottom vibration is the opposite of the top vibration, and is out of phase, meaning, in our analogy, that it begins from an orientation diametrically opposite to the goal. The two vibrations cancel each other out. This is how it works in a vibrational universe, where vibrations are constantly combining in a dynamic fashion. The good news is, a change in thought can completely eliminate the negative vibration, allowing the positive one to manifest. YOU are in control of what happens within your own consciousness, and the vibrational signal you transmit to the universe!

(These of course are crude illustrations, because vibrations combine and form complex, interacting interference patterns. These patterns can be harmonious or clashing. Because we live in a 3 dimensional world, vibrations are actually 3 dimensional spirals, which makes the situation much more complex. But the principle is the same.)

You Are The Modulator Of Your Vibrational Signal

An AM or FM broadcast transmits a carrier wave, which is then modulated by another signal that represents the content of the program (AM stands for Amplitude Modulated, FM stands for Frequency Modulated). So a radio signal can transmit a rock and roll concert, or a philosophy lecture by Alan Watts, or anything at all, depending upon how the content of the program modulates the carrier. The carrier wave acts somewhat like a horse carrying its rider. The horse may carry a beggar, a king, a lady, or a sack of coal, just so long as the passenger is compatible in size and shape with the carrier.

The universe itself acts like a carrier wave for subtle vibrational signals. This medium has been described as chi, prana, Ki, life force energy, or "the force." It is a common denominator in all spiritutal traditions throughout history.

In the transmission of radio signals, the carrier wave is of much higher frequency than the modulating signal (the signal that contains the information), because it is much easier to transmit a signal of higher frequency, and the signal will travel further. A carrier wave of infinitely high frequency would not only travel infinitely far, but would do so instantaneously and with perfect ease. Such an infinitely high frequency would potentially have tremendous power, yet be so subtle that it's presence would be undetectable. Such a carrier wave would have the property of infinite granularity, and the capacity to transmit a signal of any frequemcy, yet be so refined that it was invisible. Here we come close to the idea of an aether, a virtual quantity which, becoming more and more refined, approaches the nebulous boundary between the physical and a pure, creative potential. This pure potential would have no mass and no physical existence yet be capable of infinite movement and have infinite power. It would have enough influence, in effect, to be capable of creating and maintaining a universe. This is how weve been describing consciousness and life force energy.

The Michelson-Moreley experiment supposedly disproved the existence of such an aether, but what I am talking about exists on a far more fundamental and subtle level, incapable -- at least presently -- of detection from scientific instruments.

Life force energy is the carrier wave that is transmitted through your human energy field at all times. In the spirit/mind/body framework, a human being is a combination of an eternal, non-physical consciousness associated with a physical body, which, through the physical senses tuned to a specif bandwidth of frequencies, allows a Spirit able to perceive and interact in the physical universe. The human energy field results from the action of the creative potential of consciousness in its association with physical matter. (Some have called this a 'lightbody' or a 'soul.') Every time you think a thought, or make a decision or a choice about something, you modify or modulate the carrier wave of life force through your personal energy field. So every human being is a sort of transmitter of thought impulses to the rest of the universe. Each human being has a unique vibrational signal, or footprint, that is fully under his or her control. However, only those who are tuned in to a apecific vibration can perceive it. That is to say, an engineer who loves classical music and fine wines will never hang out with a punk rocker; more than likely, the two will never even be aware of the existence of each other! That is because their signals are just too far apart. The more precisely the radio dial of another is set to your personal vibrational program, the clearer it is heard, and vice-versa. So every person who can hear your signal is consciously attracting it, and you are doing the same. Therefore, nothing can come into your experience unless you choose to dial it in.

This idea is reflected in the phase states of matter. For example, when water molecules are vibrating very rapidly, they appear as steam. When they are moving more slowly, they come together as water and when they vibrate almost not at all, they form water crystals. When the vibrational rates of matter change, therefore, completely different substances result. So too in life! When a person changes his or her way of thinking, a life may go along an entirely different path. Physical changes in the material structure of the body sometimes occur as well: a cancer may suddenly go into remission, or an illness disappear. Both spirit and matter are intimately connected, and the vibrational universe concept helps to explain why.

Physics has shown that all matter is made up of atoms. The atom contains a nucleus surrounded by an electron cloud. Although it is not possible to determine where the electrons are at any one time (Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle), it is generally acknowledged that if the electron is considered as a particle, in its various energy states it is as far removed from the nucleus as the planets in our solar system are from the sun. As above, so below. So the atom itself is 99.9% space, with a bunch of electrons oscillating madly around the nucleus. The atom internally vibrates, and for our purposes, we consider atoms to be vibrational in nature. Therefore matter which appears to be so solid and continuous is actually a vibration in space. We only perceive it as solid because our bodies and sensory equipment is tuned to it, like a radio dial tuned to a specific station. As Michael Talbot says in his book, The Holographic Universe,

For if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality and what is "there" is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathematically transforms them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective reality? Put quite simply, it ceases to exist. As the religions of the East have long upheld, the material world is Maya, an illusion, and although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this too is an illusion. We are really "receivers" floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram.

In the vibrational model of the universe, all beings create their personal reality, through conscious choice. All perception, all awareness, is entirely subjective. Because the senses of the human body are similar, however, we all perceive similarly and can agree in a general way on a common reality. However, if you ask 20 people to describe a car accident, you'll get 20 different answers! All will agree on the existence of a road and two automobiles, but perception of the event may vary widely, even to the existence and characteristics of physical objects. Each of us is unique, we each perceive differently, and we each create the parameters of our lives. And that's a good thing!


[1] This idea is used in the digital sampling of signals in music, in radio and TV broadcasting, and even in the analysis of brainwaves and heartbeat. A bandwidth limited signal of N cycles per second can be reconstructed without error from samples taken uniformly at a rate which is greater than 2 * N cycles per second. The maximum measurable frequency is therefore equal to half the sampling frequency, which is called the Nyquist limit. So, for example, to digitize a signal with a frequency of 1,000 cycles per second, a minimum sampling frequency of 2,000 cycles per second is required, in order to accurately recover the signal information. The point is, sampling wLow at the rate of wHigh can perfectly reconstruct wLow, but doing the reverse will not work.

It is interesting to note that in quantum physics, energy is defined by the equation E = hv, where h is Planck's constant, a unit of energy, and v is the frequency of the emitted energy. v, or frequency, is vibrations per second. Frequency is cycles or vibrations per second. Then there is the famous relationship discovered by Einstein, E = mc^2, which shows the convertability of matter and energy. so we can write hv = mc^2, and m = hv / c^2. Let's take a look at what happens when we break down this equation into its component units:

Planck's constant has the units J*s, or Joules*seconds. A Joule is a unit of energy, defined as Kilograms*meters^2 / seconds^2. We'll simplify further and put these units in terms of "mass" "time" and "distance." So the units of Planck's constant are [mass*distance^2 / time^2 ] * time.

So the units of hv = mc^2 break down as follows: [mass*distance^2 / time^2 ] * time * [vibrations / time] = mass * [distance^2 / time^2]. If you are familiar with algebra the whole thing breaks down to this:

vibrations = 1. This tells us that the underlying factor in all energy is vibration.

It would seem, then, that the quintessence of matter and energy disappear into vibration, that vibration is the Unity in all Form.

What if life force energy is actually vibrationally denser than matter? The vibrations which compose it must be of a much higher frequency, which means the wavecrests are closer together, which means there is more energy per waveform. If the energy is of a high enough frequency, there can be a tremendous amount of it in a tiny, tiny little space, and it would be undetectable to our senses and to our instruments. Could it be then, as some scientists have suggested, that space is not really empty, but full of an immense amount of undetectable energy?

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