Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Our Mission...

Applying spirituality in a practical, common sense manner to daily life for success and happiness. To help you to discover that personal kernel of spiritual wisdom that exists within.


Responsibility is associated with "pulling your weight" and keeping your word, and is often used as a measuring stick of someone's character. "That guy doesn't take responsibility for his area, " is something we hear at work, and we use the whiplash of responsibility with our children, in order to teach them how to be good citizens at home and in life.

The concept of responsibility, however, has within it a disconnect. If a person is doing what he or she really wants, there is no feeling of responsibility. It's just fun, and under these conditions we do things for the love of doing them, and they are done well. The best artists, workmen, athletes or businesspeople are always those who love doing what they do!

A responsibility is a duty or obligation. A duty or obligation has within it some element of resistance, otherwise it would be undertaken with an attitude of zest and joy. There is some diminution of free will choice as well. In modern society, it is said, responsibilities are inevitable. One must get a job, raise children, pay taxes, the list is long. When one takes on too much responsibility, stress is the result. Thats because a feeling of having to inevitably accompanies assigning of responsibility, whether its selfassigned, or assigned by a parent, teacher, boss, spouse, or society. This feeling leads to a disconnect from personal desires, and a denial of self. Weve seen what happens when desires are squelched in Selfishness.

Personal responsibility comes into play only after a person has disconnected and needs to be motivated.


Responsibility ----> duty or obligation ------> doing things because we have to ------> disconnect from source -----> denial of self

Ultimately, no one can truly be responsible for another. All beings are sovereign. No matter how hard you try, it is not possible to override the free will of another. This very important concept is not understood on our planet. If it were, our societies would be more prosperous and benign, and much less hierarchical politically and economically.

In our vibrational model, the focusing of consciousness (see The Human Energy Field ) guarantees that the universes operating system interfaces with all beings on an individual basis. Therefore, you can never be truly responsible for another, or the results another gets. So give it up! Instead of assigning responsibility, allow desires. Find out what your children or your workers really enjoy doing, and assign tasks accordingly. Get people's agreement to do things. If you approach life this way, you can even get your kids to willingly take out the garbage -- no joke!!! -- I've seen it. Assigning of responsibility becomes unnecessary because things are being done through free will choice and desire to do so. And performance goes off the chart.

People use the idea of responsibility to enforce punishment. The idea is that a person, if not disciplined, can "get away with murder." However, the Law of Attraction is the ultimate guarantor of responsibility. The Law of Attraction matches vibration so that a cruel person will inevitably experience cruelty. No punishment or assignment of responsibility is necessary! Life disciplines everyone, without exception, at all times. So relax. Jerks always get their just deserts.

You might say, "You're nuts! Without a sense of responsibility, sloppy work gets done. Would you rather have responsible workmen put up your new kitchen cabinets, or irresponsible ones?" It might also be said that the feeling of pride one gets from overseeing a project is all about responsibility. If you are in charge, it's your job to make sure everything is right and there is great satisfaction in that. True enough. But the feeling of satisfaction or pride doesn't come from the assignment or assumption of responsibility. Responsibility is accountability. It is based solely on the results achieved, not upon the intentions of those involved. Responsibility goes something like this: 'I am held accountable for the success of this project. If all goes well, I will feel great, but if it doesn't go well, I have let the team down'. There is an orientation of disconnect, of fear, even if only a little bit! For a person to get himself or herself into such a position in the first place is an indication that there is not full eagerness for the task ahead.

Responsibility has nothing to do with the quality of the job, or the quality of anything, for that matter. It's the sense of connection to your own desire and the wish to do a good job that generates a feeling of pride in your work. Integrity of workmanship is all about the connection to your inner self. Responsibility is assignment of performance, and becomes necessary when there is a diminution of affinity for the task at hand. The real cause of a superb cabinet installation or a successful project is the personal pride in workmanship, or the love of teamwork, not the feeling of responsibility. The feeling of responsibility is like getting a kick in the butt. 'Boy I want to get this done right or I won't feel so good about myself.' That sort of thing. Have you ever seen a person who has a job that is their life's work? Ask such a person what attitude they take toward their work. The answer will inevitably be: "I do it because I love it."

When one is truly acting from the heart, from a true connection to ones own desire, there is a never a feeling of responsibility. Responsibility, far from building character, detracts from it, because it proceeds from a denial of self.

Responsibility is important in a society in which individuals are disconnected. A world which believes that selfawareness comes from physical structure is already inverted upon the most fundamental principle of life. Denial of the First Principle results in beliefs, and therefore societies, that are backwards. Nowhere is this more prominent than in the medical profession. In the United States, there are more diseases and more sick people than ever in our history, despite the claimed advances of medicine.

If children were allowed to find their own interests in school, instead of being herded like cattle into classrooms with one size fits all curriculums, all would be in perfect balance. But people are not encouraged to follow their own perfect inner guidance, because there is no trust in the inherent goodness of man. The social sciences, our religions, our philosophies, our governments and our economies are all built around the idea that human nature is primitive, greedy and selfish and that desires are base. Therefore, it is said, there must be direction and control from above. Foolishly, most individuals have agreed and have given up their power.

In such a bollixed environment, responsibility becomes important in order to keep the economic wheels turning. Someone has to be the checkout person at the grocery store, to drill for oil, to dispose of the garbage, to work in the factories, etc etc etc in order to keep everyone supplied with material needs. We then tell our children "You can't always do what you want. Life isn't all fun and games. Get used to it," thus perpetuating the warping of society. Control from above is legalized in our governments and court systems, all of which reflect a hierarchy of power and control of individual citizens.

Responsibility comes from the idea that people are not capable of knowing what they want. The thinking is that if persons did only what they wanted, chaos would be the result. But there would NOT be chaos, because Law of Attraction will always act to match up needs and desires. Its sad, because almost all of us have bought into the control from above is necessary scenario. We have accepted the idea that we are primitive pieces of meat, savages with a thin veneer of civilization grafted over the top of a fundamentally barbaric human nature. We observe this behavior, however, only because we believe its true. Action always follows thought. Our societies exist within a prison of selflimiting thought, like dogs trapped within invisible fences.

The difference between a society where citizens are acting from true, inner desire and from responsibility is an abundant, joyful population as compared to a hard working, struggling one. If people often don't know what they want, it is because they have squelched their natural desires. Those desires are always pure and balanced, because they come from the inner, divinely-connected self.

Let's take a school principal and a school teacher. Most would say that the principal is responsible for the teachers under her care, and for the academic excellence of the student body, and that the teacher is responsible for all of the children in his class. The principal and teachers are therefore assigned statistical goals: so many students must achieve at or above a certain score on standardized tests. If the teacher is teaching because he loves it, he will feel only joy educating his students, and his students will respond by learning to the best of their ability. But if he is there because it's just a job, there will be resentment at having to deal with unruly kids, and the children will not perform up to their potential. If the principal loves managing the school, she will attack her job with zest and joy and school performance will be at its peak. If she is there just to raise test scores, her performance must suffer in comparison. What kind of teacher would you rather have, one who teaches for the sheer joy of it, or one who "feels responsible" for your learning? Think over in your mind all of the teachers you have ever had. Which were the best ones? Who were the persons you most liked to work for? Who were the best workmen? Who was your favorite parent?

Many people think that assigning responsibility is the only way to get people motivated. There must be consequences for not getting results, they say, otherwise people will slack off. This system is based on fear, and it will work for a little while until people get tired of feeling beaten down. Then, inevitably, performance falls off drastically and people go into apathy. This is because free will has been diminished, leading to a squelching of the desire to do well. Now we are just working for a paycheck, or so we don't get fired, or to jack up some statistic on a balance sheet.

People with lots of responsibility often feel a great deal of stress. That is because responsibility is always results oriented, and little leeway is allowed for intent. If you don't meet some performance criteria you are judged a failure, and often censured, even if your intentions are the best. If you ask me whether I'd rather have a worker who gets results, as opposed to one merely with good intentions, I'd ask you, "how are you getting those results?" You can get results by selfishly stepping on other people's toes and an "end justifies the means" approach, but that approach will always fail long-term because it creates havoc. There's no getting around it: the best results are always achieved by those who are inspired and who are doing things because they want to, not because they feel responsible! The job of a manager, or a parent, or anyone in a leadership position is to find what people are good at, and get them doing it.

Desire is life force. When desire is low, life force is low and people just can't do well under those conditions. People actually get sick under those conditions! The only results that ever come from an assignment of responsibility are those which result from a person's free will choices and connection to their true desire. So it's far more efficient just to skip the whole responsibility thing, and just get people doing things they really like!

Common wisdom has it that "responsibility builds character." Translated: 'Do things you don't like, because you have to, while being disconnected from your true self. Struggle and suffer and you will be a better person.' Well, maybe. There is always benefit in testing yourself, coming out the other side. But when tasks are undertaken because of an affinity for them, no struggle is involved. Hard work maybe, lots of hard work even. But its joyful work!

Taking on a challenging project and seeing it through because you really want to is what builds character. The suffering, that is all unnecessary. Struggle and pain never does anyone any good, it's just an estrangement from who you really are. Connection to life force energy is what motivates and gets results. It is the source of genius and creativity. Struggle is a separation from that. All struggle is therefore unproductive. The most inefficient workers are always those who are working hardest. The best ones are getting results effortlessly.

But of course we don't look at it that way. When the boss comes around, we'd better look busy, because "everybody knows" that if you aren't working hard, you aren't being effective. Yessir, most people will take busyness over effectiveness any day of the week. But I'll take someone who can get the job done well with a minimum of effort, because activity is a poor measure of value.

Challenge builds character only if it is based on true connection. I wonder if Michelangelo felt a sense of responsibility when he created his gorgeous Pieta`? Do you think so? More than likely he was inspired, based on a beautiful vision and a tremendous connection with his divine inner self!

If you are taking responsibility for something, you have already gone down the path of denial of self, even if only a little bit. When people want you to do something you don't really want to do, often they will lay a guilt trip on you: "well, what if everyone was as selfish as you?" or some such. But what they are really saying is: "I want you to do this to satisfy MY selfish interests!" This happens in the workplace all the time. And parents do this a lot with their children.

Parents might say that not to take responsibility for their children's well-being is criminal. Taking care of the child is of course necessary, but you shouldn't feel responsibility for the child. If you are raising a child for any other reason than your love for the child, then of course you must feel responsible. Children will do things parents don't like, but it is not the job of any parent to direct the child's life. All children are sovereign beings, they just happen to have small bodies. And they are usually at a vibrational place far above their parents. Parents have an agenda they feel they should teach their children: 'here is where I screwed up. Watch out for this, make sure you dont do that.." etc etc etc. But children don't need to hear how parents screwed up! The child is born into a different time, a different energy, than the parent. Every child has his or her own life path, and the best thing a parent can do is allow and support the child's own purposes in life.

Children will not behave irrationally unless their desires are squelched; but very often well-meaning parents get the child hung-up on the parent's own difficulties, or insist upon molding the child to the parent's agenda. Fathers especially like their sons to follow in their footsteps. Now the child is resonating just as the parent did, and by Law of Attraction, may have similar experiences.

When responsibility is used as a character development or teaching tool, the idea well- meaning is to get a person to see that there are consequences to actions. However, its more accurate to say "everyone is responsible for their own vibration," for it is your vibrational offering which the universe will answer, every time. People are always "responsible" for what they do, because the laws of the universe discipline everyon, and far more effectively than man0pmase laws. Beating people over the head with responsibility just makes them feel worse and more disconnected. Better to explain the operation of the Law of Attraction, and let a person discover the immutability of this law for themselves. When a person truly understands Law of Attraction, it will never again be necessary to get them to "behave." He or she will realize that life provides all the discipline necessary for appropriate action. The consequences of breaking universal laws are severe and uncompromising, and justice is never lacking!

Responsibility only comes into play when people don't follow their inner guidance. The teaching of responsibility helps to disconnect people from this guidance, by promoting the idea that "there are just some things in this world you have to do, even if you don't like them."

Paradoxically, the more "responsibility" a person takes, the more disconnected he or she will become. Effective motivation comes from within, from a connection to divine inner self.

Assignment of tasks is effective only if there is agreement from all concerned. An understanding of the Law of Attraction can lessen reliance on the idea of responsibility, while increasing morale and production in any endeavor.

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