Traditionally, we are taught that hard work, brains, and talent are necessary for success. But what if you are not really great at anything? Does that mean you have to settle for a life of mediocrity?
Look around at the world and you will see millions of people sweating and working hard, but not getting anywhere. And intelligence is no guarantee of success either. There are plenty of unsuccessful smart people, and lots of talented people waiting tables.
There IS an explanation for success, but it involves looking deeper at life, and combining the material world with the metaphysical.
Note: I never request positive feedback from authors and readers. All comments (these are only a sample; I don't often update these pages) are unsolicited
"I want you to know how great your book
is! I have been aware of Esther and Jerry Hicks for years now
(and Abraham), and your exposition of the Law of Attraction was
the best I have ever exaggeration!"
—David Banner, PhD. Aerospace engineer for NASA on the Apollo moon landing
project, officer in the U.S. Army in Vietnam
"Learning the ways of the universe has been a passion of mine
for almost longer than I can remember. I think my first word
must have been "why?" and the better portion of every day since
has been spent in a quest to learn more. So suffice it to say
I've read a book or two on the subject in my time. And many, I
must say, have ended up being tossed across the room with a
plaintive cry of disgust, with me feeling cheated for having
spent money on either outright horse hockey or childish drivel.
Not so with yours. It was not only well written, but left me
feeling wiser and more powerful for having read it."
— Kate Nowak, Texas.
Writer, graphics designer, creator of the "May You be Blessed"
Is it possible, do you think, for an infinite creation
like the universe to operate randomly?
If you ponder that for a minute you can see that in order for anything to work properly it must be well designed. The telephone has a number pad and a display that allow you to use it; the stove has dials to control the cooking temperature.
All devices, in other words, have an interface that allows the user to communicate with the machine and direct its proper function. Inside the device, the components are hooked together in the most efficient manner!
The universe is no different than your phone, computer, or household appliance, in the sense that it provides a way to interact with you in an intelligent fashion.
It turns out that the universe has been designed to directly interface with your thoughts and your intent. If you are unaware of this user interface, however, you are like a person who tries to use a complicated computer program without having any idea how the menu's work!
The Vibrational Universe describes the universe’s simple but powerful interface in clear, easy to understand language and with plenty of examples from real life.
If you've ever listened to Abraham tapes and wanted more detail on how and why it all works, this is the book you need to read.
"Honestly, before I read your book, I had read a lot of
other books that basically put a band-aid on a gunshot
wound; but your book wentright to the core of things, and
ever since, my life has gotten better and better. I believe
in my heart that a book such as yours is needed in the law
enforcement & military community."
-- Shelton, police
"The Vibrational Universe is one of the best books I've ever
read on the law of attraction. Ken explains its principles
in a way that anyone can understand and relate to."
"I highly recommend this book to people who are really
serious about doing the work that needs to be done to regain
their personal power."
--- Paige Lovitt, Reader Views ‘Book
Reviews for readers, by readers.’
"Ken, you've written ‘my’ book – thank you. All that you are sharing in The Vibrational Universe reflects my life
experiences, too – great synchronicity."
–– Karl Jacobs PhD
"I began reading when home recovering from cancer surgery. I
have been looking at my life in some different terms since
beginning your book. And I continue to evolve in thought
each page further. So many of the principles you describe
and tenets of those principles truly resonate with me and
then I know I am on to something "enlightening." I can't
thank you enough for creating "Life's little Instruction
Book", which is what I endearingly call your book."
––Sharon Neil, California
Imagine how much better life would be if you knew the rules!
The universe has been designed to directly interface with your thoughts and your intentions. Learning to use this interface is simple, and inevitably leads to a feeling of self confidence and personal power.
It turns out that there are five fundamental universal principles. All of the others you've read about are subsets of these five.
When you know what they are and how to use them
Life becomes simpler.
Life becomes demystified.
unexplainable and irrational actions of people
suddenly begin to make more and more sense. Where
once there was anger and frustration, there is now
compassion and understanding.
begin to experience more and more clarity of
thought, which leads to greater and greater self
You can't be
fooled anymore, because your understanding of LIFE
is so much higher.
just feel better about yourself and success seems
easily within your grasp.
Relationships are easier to attract and maintain,
because you understand yourself and others a whole
lot better.
The Vibrational Universe
is a modern interpretation of these 5 fundamental
principles, and shows you how to use them in life for
greater success and happiness.
"Your material beats anything
else I have ever read, blending science, spirituality and common
sense.. Beautifully written ...."
--Anonymous, UK
"I'm a fairly avid reader.
I love books that teach me new ideas and things I can use to
make me better. What I liked most about Ken's writing isn't the
great subject matter, although it is. And it isn't his solid
writing style, even though it's wonderful. It isn't even how
easily his thoughts flow. What I enjoy most about his writing is
he writes from experience. It's a feeling that he's talking
about something he's living right now. Something so amazing he
had to share it with everyone! And when I read a book written
that way, I feel I can have what he has. I can do it and that's
-- Lucy Spinetti, Tewsbury
"Thank you. Your life and your work has changed my life.
I am truly grateful."
-- Stephen Green
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