How To Order Ordering Youngevity® products is a piece of cake. There are two methods: the first one is painless (Auto Ship), and the other is almost painless! Method One - Individual Orders Method Two - Auto Ship with Free Shipping Note: The company warehouse is in California so it takes anywhere from 1 to 6 business days to get your stuff, depending upon where you live. International orders take longer. Method One - Individual Orders If you are just starting out and want to try the products, you can place orders individually. (But you have to pay shipping on these orders). Here's how you do it:
Auto ship is painless because you just tell the company what products you use every month, select a shipping date in the month, and your stuff gets sent automatically. Shipping is free on all orders over $50 and that can save you some bucks. You can change or delete anything on your auto ship at any time. For example, I order 2 bottles of the minerals, 1 bottle of the Ultimate Classic (vitamins and amino acids), 1 bottle of the EFA's (essential fatty acids) and 1 bottle of the Gluco-gel capsules every month. But maybe I have some minerals left over from last month and only need 1 bottle of minerals this month. Or, say I want to add something just for this month. All I have to do is change my Auto-Ship information and the company automatically ships the right stuff. You can adjust your Auto-Ship anytime you want. Note: Phone Auto Ship orders have been discontinued to protect your security. All Auto Ships need to be in writing, either on-line, or by snail mail.
*There is a one-time $10 sign-up
fee (Lifetime Membership) that covers the cost of printing and
shipping a catalog of all Youngevity products, as well as
product order forms (for those who like to do things by snail
mail), sign-up forms for your friends, and a complete description of
the marketing and compensation plan. That's pretty good, because there
are no rip-off "continuing membership fees" or other hidden
costs. You sign up once, pay your 10 bucks, and that's it!
Note: All links will open a new page in the SAME window. This is to prevent dozens of windows opening in your browser.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are for informational purposes only. The FDA has not approved vitamins or supplements. Consult your health care professional before embarking on any supplementation program.
"For the rapid increase in
knowledge it becomes more and more apparent that the science of
nutrition is the foundation of a more rational medicine. It is to be
hoped that on future occasions the work of this section will not be
limited to physiological, biochemical, pathological, and medical
aspects of the subject, but that it will include those that are
veterinary and agricultural." |